What is listeria? All about the deadly outbreak linked to deli meat

An outbreak of listeria linked to edible gums has sickened about three dozen people across the country, killing two, officials said. Meanwhile, some varieties of bagged and bulk vegetables have recently been recalled due to listeria concerns. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1,600 people get listeria food poisoning each year, … Read more

Many chocolate products contain toxic heavy metals: new study

This is a bitter pill to swallow. Many US cocoa products contain worrisome levels of toxic heavy metals, warns a new study from George Washington University. Many US cocoa products contain worrisome levels of lead and cadmium, warns a new study from George Washington University. Photo partners – stock.adobe.com Researchers analyzed 72 cocoa-based foods — … Read more

14 behaviors blamed for nearly half of dementia cases: report

Vision loss and high cholesterol increase the likelihood of developing dementia, according to a new report that says nearly half of dementia cases can be delayed or prevented by addressing 14 risk factors. The Lancet Commission, made up of 27 dementia experts, previously identified 12 lifestyle challenges responsible for 40% of dementia cases, with hearing … Read more