The teenager who lost 200 kilograms in 4 years reveals the 4 secrets of success

At his highest weight and lowest point, Nicolas Garratt was 400 pounds and 15 years old. Garratt, now 19, told last week that he had always struggled with his weight. He started eating junk food and fast food at age 5, and the habit caused him to pack on the pounds over the years. … Read more

14 behaviors blamed for nearly half of dementia cases: report

Vision loss and high cholesterol increase the likelihood of developing dementia, according to a new report that says nearly half of dementia cases can be delayed or prevented by addressing 14 risk factors. The Lancet Commission, made up of 27 dementia experts, previously identified 12 lifestyle challenges responsible for 40% of dementia cases, with hearing … Read more

Hip flexor stretching can help you avoid pain as you age: Dr

Hips don’t lie – and neither do the hip flexors. Tight muscles make everyday life more difficult and sedentary jobs make the challenges worse. While we inevitably lose flexibility as we age, we can take steps (or stretches, rather) to slow the process. All stretches benefit the body, but focusing on the hip flexors is … Read more